Friday, April 18, 2008


I was awakened this morning about 4:35 to my bed and the house shaking!!! At first, for a second, I thought it was wind, as it's been very windy here the last few days, but once I got my wits about me, I realized very quickly that it was an earthquake. The next think I heard after waking John up was "I'm shaking" from the girls' room. It had woken them up and Katherine was a little scared. They got out of bed and joined me in a group hug in their doorway. After the shaking stopped, they promptly went back to bed. After watching some news, I tried, but dont think I slept much more. Definitely a rude awakening and lots of trying to explain to Katherine this morning what an earthquake was. I'm afraid that I didn't do a good job, but told her to ask her teacher - that's what they are for, right???

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