Wednesday, March 19, 2008


All my kids have been late crawlers - Elizabeth was the earliest at 10 months. Due to his size (he wears 24month/2T clothes at 13 months) and lack of desire (he hated being on his tummy until he was about 9 months old), Christopher started crawling this month - army crawling. Until this morning, he's pretty much stay within a 2 room area. Well, this morning while I was taking a quick shower he crawled across the entire house - from our tv/family room through the breakfast room and kitchen , office and into our living room. The fact that this entire area has wood floor made it pretty easy form him to move himself along, but this is the first time he's made it that far! So, the gate went up on the stairs immediately (I'm not sure he could pull himself up on the stairs, but I'm not going to wait to find out!) and I'll be spending the day looking for things he could get into and cleaning them up or removing them. He's much more curious than I remember my girls being and likes to take things out of my kitchn cabinets instead of just opening and closing them and also likes to pull things off of shelves and the coffee table. My "baby" is not a baby anymore.

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