Friday, April 17, 2009

Swimming Lessons

We've got all three kids enrolled in swimming lessons this spring - at the same time. We all go and each child has his/her lesson at different parts of the pool. John goes with Christopher and I try to watch all three of them at the same time. It's hard, I tell you, but better than spending the entire day in swimming lessons - we get it all done in 45 min on Saturday mornings. Katherine has become a fish and loves the water, but still needs a bit of work on her actuall swimming skills. Elizabeth has not really enjoyed the swimming lessons. She's fine in the water, but several of the girls in her class are kind of wild and there is lots of splashing and she doesn't like getting water in her face. So, she enjoys the little games that they play, but when it comes down to "swimming", she doesn't always enjoy herself (as you'll see in at least one of the pictures). Christopher has no fear in the water (which increases my fear!). All three will enjoy the pool this summer, but it will be near impossible for me to take all of them by myself. So, we'll just have to wait for Daddy to come home to to. Anyway, on with the pictures.
Elizabeth is not so fond of the kickboard - she's gotten better at it recently, though.
She has fun sitting on the steps, though.

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