Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bauer Birthdays....

We spent time at my (Julie's) parent's house on Sunday afternoon before our birthdays to celebrate with my family. Even though we were celebrating all of our birthdays, I only got pictures of the kids - imagine that!
Katherine helping Elizabeth open a card

I think this was one of Elizabeth's favorite gifts - a Sleeping Beauty.

We were ALL together - my parents, my brother and his family, and John's dad (that doesn't happen very often, unfortunately).

Christopher having fun playing with the road mat and cars

Katherine and Kaiser (my nephew) playing blocks

On her birthday, Elizabeth had a fun day at school. Here is Elizabeth sporting her Dora saves the Snow Princes tiara, her Sleeping Beauty magic wand, and her Cinderella princess costume - fun combination!! and the next pictures shows her birthday crown that she got at school!

Then, last Saturday we had Elizabeth's "kid" birthday party - DORA! She's really into princesses, but wanted a Dora party - go figure.

Chalk drawing is a big hit in our house right now - the weather was great, albeit warm, so we had some fun outdoors with the Wichts and the Englishes. Thanks, guys, for making it a fun birthday for Elizabeth!

So, we survived the birthday week for another year. It tends to be all about Elizabeth and not so much about John and I, but that's ok. We are celebrating our anniversary today, so that's our time, I guess. We now have an official 4 year old in the house and she's growing up before our eyes.

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