Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Where to Start?

I'm so far behind, that I don't even know where to start! We've been spending most of our summer days just playing at home (before Katherine is in school all day) and going swimming after suppers, but we have done a few exciting things in between all that.
Katherine took swimming lessons and thoroughly enjoyed it. She now jumps on her own into the pool and puts her head under water - major steps for her!
We went up to "the farm" - John's family farm in Northern IL at the beginning of August. The girls (and Christopher to some extent) enjoyed exploring the corn (probably close to 7 ft tall) and watching the plane spraying the crops (to noisy for the kids - they stayed inside and watched through the window). It was a fun trip to just get away for a bit and relax. Both Katherine and Elizabeth said that their favorite part of the trip was swimming in the hotel swimming pool (while Christopher was having some quiet time). I guess the swimming this summer has been a big hit!

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