Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July

I didn't know John had already posted about our festivities, so here's my version!!!! Everyone loves a parade, right? We decided kind of at the last minute to take in the local St. Charles 4th of July parade in the morning. The kids had never seen a parade in person, so we trecked "downtown" - we actually chose one of the residential streets - and parked ourselves. It was quite enjoyable! The weather was BEAUTIFUL - low 70s and, more importantly, low humidity - and everyone had a great time watching the people walk by and especially the candy. We went home with a load of candy and Elizabeth asks for a piece daily. Here's our view down the street - the parade had a real small-town feel with lots of local businesse participating.

Only in St. Charles, MO do you get a replica of the Lewis and Clark Expedition in the 4th of July parade. There were actually 2 boats, but my picture of the second one came out better. Very neat.

Grandparents came over for a BBQ later in the day and brought bubbles - the girls had a great time playing with the bubbles - Christopher wasn't interested for was napping or something - I can't remember.

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