Saturday, November 10, 2007

9 month stats

Christopher at 2 days old
How can it be possible that this little baby that I held 9 months ago is this big guy now??!! Christopher had his 9 month appt on Thursday and here are his stats;
26 lbs, 1 oz
31 inches long
That would be "off the charts", the growth charts, that is. He's grown 4 lbs and 3 inches just in the last 3 months. That would explain the pile of clothes in his closet that he's outgrown. He's such a big boy and so much fun! He's started feeing himself at meal time - finger food, that is. That's such a big help to me that he can keep himself happy with food while I'm getting the girls' meals fixed - or mine! He LOVES banging on things and making noise - SUCH A BOY! - and is just a really happy guy, most of the time. He's a joy to have in the house and the girls just love him!

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