Monday, July 23, 2007

Mealtime Marathon

Meal times at our house right now last FOREVER. I've figured from the time I start nursing/bottle-feeding Christopher to the time everyone (including myself) is done eating is most often an hour, at least. I feed Christopher, then get the meal (be it breakfast, lunch or dinner) served up, then while everyone eats I feed Christopher his meal (rice cereal and veggies or fruits), then I get to eat - then I have to clean everything up! I remember this stage with my girls - it just takes forever when there the bottle or nursing and the cereal. I know I shouldn't wish time away, but I'm already looking forward to the time when Christopher can feed himself. On one hand I miss the little baby days and on the other hand I'm wanting him to grow up - I can't decide! I know I need to enjoy each stage as it comes, but meals are just such a huge production!

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