Friday, April 17, 2009

CCS Art Fest

Last night was the First Annual Art Fest at the girls' school. We went and saw all of their artwork displayed wonderfully! For Katherine, these were projects that she's been working on throughout the school year in her weekly art class. For Elizabeth, this was just one of the many projects that she had worked on in her class. In addition to the artwork, there were kids who were playing piano and other instruments and singing and reciting poetry, etc in a recital format. It was a tremendous success and the girls enjoyed showing off what they had been doing at school.
Here's Katherine with her "stained glass - type" picture of an olive branch
(the one in the middle above her head).
Here's Katherine with her mosaic. (You can blow up the pictures a bit if you
double-click on them)
Here's Katherine's picture - she was supposed to draw her interpretation of a musical piece (Bolero????)
Elizabeth's class made fish and the displayed them like they were swimming in the ocean - her's is the yellow one with blue dots above her head. Katherine's class made pumpkins and displayed them like a pumpkin patch. The main point of this exercise was that they were not given green or orange paint - they had to mix primary colors to get their orange and green. Her's is just to her right (left of her in the picture).

Happy Easter!

After a busy Easter morning at church (will we ever NOT have a busy Easter morning at church?), we headed to my (Julie's) parents along with John's dad for some fun family time. We had a great meal, some fun egg hunting, and played their Wii (a first for the Bauers, and quite fun, I might add!). Here are a few pictures (didn't get any of the Wii)...

Easter Egg Decorating

John and I attended the girls' school auction in February and "won" an Easter Eggstravaganza with Elizabeth's teacher! This involved the two of them plus 2 of Elizabeth's friends gathering at Mrs. Byars house to color easter eggs. They had a BLAST! I just realized that I should have gotten a picture of them with Mrs. Byars. Oh, well. Here are a few pictures from the event.
What a spread!
Elizabeth was supposed to be frosting the cupcakes, not eating the frosting! If you know Elizabeth, that's just so her!
Katherine is GENTLY putting the sprinkles on her cupcake... again, so her.
The girls each got to bring home baskets with some of their eggs as well as some goodies. Thanks so much, Mrs. Byars! You are the best!


Katherine decided that she wanted to play softball this spring. Since I was (notice the past tense) a softball player in my youth, I had a hard time saying "no". Here's a few shots of her at ther practice last week. I think she's really enjoying it. It adds a bit of hecticness (is that a word?) to our schedule, but it's worth it for her to be able to try this. She's on a team of first and second grade girls and they have their first game next week. It should be interesting... and fun!

Spring has finally sprung

We've finally been able to spend some more time outside, lately. Here are just some pictures of Christopher and Elizabeth that I took one day when Katherine was at school - sorry, Katherine! I just don't seem to get as many pictures of her lately - I'm sure that will change this summer.
He's such a boy.
We got some new lanscaping brickwork put in and I wanted to get a picture of the kids - they enjoy walking along it, but this time they were just sitting.

Another lost tooth (or two).

Between March and April, Katherine lost 3 teeth! A previous post document the first of these. She lost the second on March 29 (see picture below) and then lost the third on April 10 (biting into a strawberry!). She's got quite a "holey" grin right now!

Swimming Lessons

We've got all three kids enrolled in swimming lessons this spring - at the same time. We all go and each child has his/her lesson at different parts of the pool. John goes with Christopher and I try to watch all three of them at the same time. It's hard, I tell you, but better than spending the entire day in swimming lessons - we get it all done in 45 min on Saturday mornings. Katherine has become a fish and loves the water, but still needs a bit of work on her actuall swimming skills. Elizabeth has not really enjoyed the swimming lessons. She's fine in the water, but several of the girls in her class are kind of wild and there is lots of splashing and she doesn't like getting water in her face. So, she enjoys the little games that they play, but when it comes down to "swimming", she doesn't always enjoy herself (as you'll see in at least one of the pictures). Christopher has no fear in the water (which increases my fear!). All three will enjoy the pool this summer, but it will be near impossible for me to take all of them by myself. So, we'll just have to wait for Daddy to come home to to. Anyway, on with the pictures.
Elizabeth is not so fond of the kickboard - she's gotten better at it recently, though.
She has fun sitting on the steps, though.