Monday, October 29, 2007

Long Overdue Update

I'm sorry that it has been so long since I posted an update as to our goings on. After Elizabeth's birthday party, I also threw a party for John's 40th - an adult party. The girls spent the night at Grandma Dana's and Grandpa Ken's house (Julie's parents) and Christopher went to bed early, so it was just grown-ups - VERY FUN! It had been a very long time since we had had or gone to a party with no children. As one person put it, it was nice to have a party without an Elmo, Thomas, or Dora theme!
Happy Birthday, John!
Last Sunday, John took Katherine (with his parents) to a local pumpkin farm while the little ones were sleeping. She had fun on the slides, on the train, and on this big tire swing. It was an unusually warm day. When she came home, she was really warm, I thought from the sun, but come to find out she had a fever.....

That started our week of sickness. All three kids were sick last week with fevers, croup, and cold symptoms. We are finally over the worst of it and all that remains is coughs. It will be a minor miracle if I don't get sick, but so far so good!

Christopher's favorite toys these days are anything with buttons - not the phone in one hand and the remote control in the other!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Christmas in October...

Yesterday was "Crazy Hat Day" at Katherine's school. We don't have alot of hats in our house, so I gave her a choice - baseball hat, stocking hat.. what else? It came to me - Santa hat! She LOVED the idea, so I found the santa hat in our basement and she wore that to school - FUN! And she also made a crazy hat at school (see picture). Nothing like wearing a santa hat when it's 90 degrees outside! Speaking of that, we've had enough of summer - bring on the snow!!! I'm sure I'll regret saying that. Anyway, she had a great time and had fun seeing what other hats her friends wore - cowboy hat, crown, Cardinals hat, etc.